I recently posted a review of the Hatfield and McCoy Dinner Feud Show and today I’m sharing my thoughts on the Pirates Voyage dinner show in Pigeon Forge as well.

Pirates Voyage Show
Let’s jump right in by stating that the best part of the Pirates Voyage dinner show is the show! Having been to all three dinner shows in Pigeon Forge, I can honestly say this one offers the best show! In fact, it’s the only one I’ve gone to twice now! I went once in May 2022 with my mom and then again with my husband in June 2022. I really enjoyed the show each time as I had a different seat and view with each show. In May, I was on the Sapphire side and in June I was on the Crimson side. It was neat to cheer for a different team each time.
The Pirates Voyage show is very entertaining. The actors are acrobatics in every sense of the word. I can’t even begin to imagine how one learns to do the show. Plus, there’s fire and some animals incorporated into the show. Spoiler alert: my mom loved the addition of the sea lion and the birds were also neat to see.
The Food
While the Pirates Voyage has the best show, the food is just ok, if I’m being completely honest. It certainly wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the best dinner show food either. If you recall, I prefer the food at the Hatfield and McCoy show. However, both shows serve the same creamy vegetable soup, which you can buy a mix of in the shows’ stores. Beyond that, it’s a completely different meal. It’s actually more similar to the meal served at Dolly Parton’s Stampede with its chicken, biscuit, corn on the cob, potato, ham, and fruit turnover. The difference between the two is that Pirates Voyage comes with some fried chicken and a peach turner. Stampede serves a whole small rotisserie chicken and apple turnover.
Additionally, similar to Dolly Parton’s Stampede and different from Hatfield and McCoys is that the meal is served during the show. So, it can be difficult to watch the show and eat your food at the same time. Plus, it’s not unlimited, like Hatfield and McCoy is. However, they will bring you more to drink if you finish yours. I really enjoyed the lemonade here, as did my husband. The meal certainly wasn’t bad by any means, just know that you are going to Pirates Voyage for the show mainly.
If you are visiting Pigeon Forge and want to experience a dinner show like no other, I can recommend Pirates Voyage with its amazing show and good food. Admittedly, it is pricey so be on the lookout for discounts and coupons. However, I can guarantee it will be a dinner that you won’t quickly forget.
Roger Miller says
My wife and I took our Grandkids to see the Pirate show. I have nothing bad to say about the show or food. Was great. But while setting waithing for shoe to start a Gentlemen walked in with a dog on leash carry a bed for his dog. No place to bring animals where there is food to be eaten. Very upset over them letting dog in. Leave animals ho m e
Lindsay says
Hello! Thanks for the comment! Oh wow! I’ve never seen anyone come in with a pet before. I would think that would be stressful for the dog too. I’m surprised they allowed that. I don’t know that there’s room for a dog bed in there. Thanks for sharing your experience.