You may have noticed that since I returned from the Shot@Life Champion Summit, I haven’t been around much. That’s because I returned on a Wednesday and then immediately started a long-term substitute teacher position on that Thursday. That means I’ve been staying busy offline and haven’t had as much time to write posts or respond to emails. So, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the differences between regular subbing and being a long-term substitute teacher.
Regular Substitute Teaching
- More free time. When I’m not working everyday, I have time to blog and do other things around the house.
- Inconsistent. The con of that is I never know my schedule and can’t make plans. It also means that the pay can be inconsistent.
- Get to know more people. Regular subbing allows me to be in multiple schools and to meet different kids and principals.
- It can be hard. By being a new face in the school, the students tend to try to test the limits with you.
Long-term Substitute Teacher
- Consistency. I have a reliable schedule/routine and pay.
- Relationships. I can build relationships with students and the staff.
- Lots is unknown. This is my second long-term substitute teacher position. In neither of these cases have I been told how long the position would be for.
- Better pay. They school systems pay per day. So, they automatically increase the rate when you work 10 consecutive days in one position.
- Time suck. This whole working all day, everyday is taking up lots of my time. Plus, I’m currently having to do lesson plans and some other stuff at home which also takes up my free time.
So, what do you think of being a regular sub versus a long-term substitute teacher? Do you think it’s better to be a regular one with a day-to-day schedule or a more expected one as a long-term substitute teacher?